
Total 25 Posts

5 Tips To Get Kids To Do Household Chores

There are not many people who enjoy doing household chores simply because they're typically not fun to perform. Yes, there are a small majority of folks that find cleaning to be therapeutic. But for the rest of us, we don't share in those feelings. And you know what, kids are no different. Most...

5 Positive Ways to Respond When Your Child Misbehaves

A child's behavior is usually a direct reflection of the way you respond to them, especially during times of conflict. They look up to you for guidance on how to properly behave, which is best taught when you lead by example. Overreacting or not showing any concern towards your child's misbehavior.

10 Proven Parenting Tips For A Stress-Free Family Life

Parenting can be both the most rewarding and challenging undertaking of our lives. Often balancing work, family, and personal life can be overwhelming. It’s natural to feel stressed or overwhelmed sometimes, but that shouldn’t be the norm. With the right parenting tips, it's possible to create a...

6 Ways a Therapy Pet Can Help Children

Studies have shown that pets promote health benefits in humans, especially those that suffer from stress and anxiety. They can increase self-esteem, increase trust and confidence as well as increase endorphin production. In many instances, therapy dogs have specifically been used to help kids...
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