Having back fat is extremely common, especially among the adult population. It’s a problem area that can be difficult to get rid of fat from, despite the efforts that are made using exercise and dieting.
Like fat stored in the abdominal area, you must lose overall body fat to see a noticeable reduction in back fat.
While there are no natural magic bullets, the next best thing is to continue implementing a good exercise and diet program.
I’m going to share with you some specifics that you must apply to your back training that can help you melt the fat off over time.
Remember, there’s nothing that can replace the work required to sculpt your body if you are doing things naturally.
Today you’re going to learn the 4 Tips For Getting Rid Of Back Fat.
Let’s get moving…
TIP 1: Use A Variety Of Exercises
The back is comprised of several muscles, which makes it very complex. This also means that you must use a variety of exercise movements if you plan to train them all. Using one exercise movement to train your back will not be enough.
You have the upper and lower back muscles that you must train.
The basic movement to train your upper back muscles is a row, similar to rowing a boat.
Some of the most common rowing movements are Dumbbell Rows, Barbell Rows, T-Bar Rows, and Cable Rows.
The big takeaway is to be certain to include a variety of rowing exercises in your back workouts to ensure that you are training all of your upper back muscles.
TIP 2: Pull Your Shoulder Blades Together First
The key to getting a full contraction, especially in the middle portion of your back muscles is to pull your shoulder blades together before you pull the weight.
You also want to squeeze your back muscles as you pull the weight in order to get a strong contraction, as this will challenge them to work harder and produce greater results.
After teaching several people how to properly contract their upper back muscles during the exercise movement made a big difference and as a result, they developed more definition.
Most people have no clue about that simple pre-contraction that makes all the difference in their back training.
Put it into play during your next back workout and be amazed!
TIP 3: Keep Your Bellybutton Pulled In
Keeping your belly button pulled in is not only beneficial when training your back, but also for every exercise movement that you perform.
When you pull your belly button in, you are forcing yourself to use good posture, which keeps your spine in the correct position or alignment.
The last thing that you want to do is injure your spine, which is why you must practice using good posture and strengthen your CORE, which is comprised of your abdominal, oblique, and lower back muscles.
Keeping your belly button pulled in during your exercise movements will take practice as it will feel awkward and uncomfortable at first, but will be well worth it to protect your spine.
TIP 4: Perform Higher Repetitions For Faster Toning
There is a general rule of thumb in the fitness world that states, “If you want your muscles to grow a lot bigger, then use heavier weights and lower repetitions in the neighborhood of 6 to 8.”
And if you want to develop leaner muscles, but not the bodybuilder type, you should stick to lighter weights and repetitions in the range of 12 to 15.
That makes perfect sense, right?
Larger muscles are stronger and bigger, which require heavier weights.
Smaller muscles are not as strong but can be toned, which requires lighter weights to develop.
The choice is yours to make.
The back muscles are strong, so you’ll want to cycle your training in a way where you focus a couple of weeks on developing strength and another couple of weeks on performing higher repetitions in the 12 to 15 range. This will give you the best of both worlds, strength and definition development.
There you have it, the 4 Tips For Getting Rid Of Back Fat.
Getting rid of back fat will not be an overnight process, but if you apply my four tips, continue to exercise consistently, and stick to a predominantly plant-based diet, you should make good progress.
Don’t wait, begin implementing what you’ve learned beginning with your next back workout!
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