There are not many people who enjoy doing household chores simply because they’re typically not fun to perform.
Yes, there are a small majority of folks that find cleaning to be therapeutic.
But for the rest of us, we don’t share those feelings.
And you know what, kids are no different.
Most children see doing chores as a punishment and it’s almost like pulling teeth to get them to consistently complete their assigned tasks.
Yelling at your children and attempting to rule by force is less effective than sitting down and properly educating them on the benefits of developing the discipline of staying organized.
Explain how organizations can help them achieve success in all areas of their lives.
As parents, we understand the importance of establishing a solid foundation, because the habits that are developed at a young age are usually carried on and practiced into adulthood.
Children are smarter than we think.
So, instead of getting mad at them because they’re not completing their household chores, sit down and explain the benefits.
I can almost guarantee that your message will be received a lot better than yelling at them.
Today, I’m going to provide you with five tips that can motivate your kids to do their household chores using organization techniques.
Let’s cover them now…
1)) Time
Explain to your children that organizing time is just as important as organizing their stuff.
Make them fully aware that time is their most precious expiring asset and once it passes can’t be replenished at any price.
This will get them to respect the time and want to make the most of their 24 hours.
If each family member has his or her own calendar, it can become a major headache trying to coordinate everyone's schedule.
Try having one big family calendar, such as a large, office-style calendar that can be put on the wall or laid on a desktop.
If you put it by the front door, everyone can see what is going on before leaving and as soon as they come home.
Have each family member write his or her schedule on this master calendar. To make it easier, assign a different colored pencil to each family member.
This helps you see at-a-glance who has the most activities and who needs to be where and when.
Encourage your children to discipline themselves to look at the calendar at least once in the morning and once after school depending on how old they are.
This simple task will keep them focused on completing their assigned chores.
Do you see how much more powerful this approach is over yelling at them?
2)) Labels
Teach your kids how to use labels to show the contents of toy bins, personal baskets, boxes, file cabinets, and even dresser drawers if you like.
This helps you and your kids find what they want or need at-a-glance without wasting time searching.
This also helps as you delegate tasks to your children.
For example, you won't be as likely to be driven crazy by your kids not knowing where to put clean dishes or laundry.
3)) Containers
It's okay to get creative with containers; just so long as everyone's stuff is contained!
Clear bins are a natural choice; they can be stacked, they are clear, and they come with lids.
Don’t forget to put labels on your containers to avoid wasting time searching for items.
Plastic drawers are another great option.
For those who have a lot of small things, beads, for instance, or small collectibles, egg cartons make great storage containers. They can be labeled and stacked as well.
Use high-quality plastic bins and drawers to prevent having to replace those that are cheaply made.
Fun Tip: You could have your children do an evaluation of what bins they need to organize items in their rooms.
Then take them to a store that specializes in household organization and purchase those bins.
You could even stop and get some ice cream or whatever their favorite food is.
Making organization fun will cause your children to associate pleasure with completing their chores.
4)) Chore Charts
For kids and grown-ups alike, keeping a chart with chores/tasks listed can help a lot. If you rotate tasks, a dry-erase board is a good idea.
Tasks can be crossed off or erased, and this helps everyone feel more accomplished.
One of the best ways to get your children to continue completing their tasks is to use a printable chores chart that tracks daily and weekly chores.
Be certain that the chores chart that you use has a space to record the rewards you plan to give your children for completing their tasks.
Pro Tip: Be certain that the rewards fit the chores completed.
5)) Routines
This ties in with time organization. Establishing routines can help your children feel more secure by knowing what comes next on a given day.
Routines like reading comics during breakfast or having a special snack after school can create lovely memories while teaching your children how organization skills can simply be made into a habit.
Earlier, I briefly mentioned how habits formed at an earlier age could be carried on into adulthood.
You just received a great overview of five of the most powerful organization methods that can get your kids to do their household chores.
And while this will go a long way in motivating them to complete their assigned tasks, parents who are serious will want to take it to the next level ASAP.
I have a feeling you’re one of those people. And that’s why I suggest you click here right now because on the other side of this link you’ll discover an easy-to-use Chores Chart that you could download and begin using a few minutes from now.
The key is to properly educate your children on the benefits of developing the discipline of staying organized.
This approach will motivate your kids to do their chores without using the rule-by-force approach.
When you teach your children the importance of taking the initiative by completing their chores without the need for reminders helps them develop a sense of pride and confidence.
If you’re having a difficult time getting your kids to do their chores, I highly suggest implementing the five tips that you learned today!
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