Food and drinks are one of the most expensive aspects of being on a vacation and can add up pretty quickly if you don’t pay close attention to your spending habits.
We all understand that food ordered while traveling will cost more, so no surprises there…
However, there are quite a few ways you can save some money, which is what you’re going to discover in this article.
As a matter of fact, you’ll learn nine ways to save on food and drinks whether you travel locally or abroad.
Let’s find out what they are…
WAY 1: Know Before You Go
When planning your trip, research the area you will be staying in.
Check out the restaurants to see the price of the entrees and kids’ meals.
Also, see if there is anything special going on at the time you will be there, like Restaurant Week, where a 3-course meal with wine will cost around $20, or a Lobster fest, Oktoberfest, and so on.
Choose a room with a refrigerator and microwave.
Plan to shop for the basics when you get there, such as milk and cereal, if you have small children.
Stock up on snacks too.
Bring some sandwich bags.
Bring reusable water bottles and water purification tablets if you are going overseas.
WAY 2: Choose Your Accommodations Wisely
Accommodations can sometimes include meals. For example, many motel chains offer a free hot breakfast.
Eat well in the morning and that can tide you over for many hours.
In many cases, you can also make your own sandwiches from toast, bacon, egg, and so on, which you can wrap up and take with you for lunch.
Most places won’t mind, but just don’t be too obvious about it.
In this case, all you would then have to worry about would be dinner and snacks.
Other hotels and resorts include all meals or dinners.
This is usually the case if they are in a remote location.
Be sure not to miss out and make the most of each meal.
WAY 3: Eat Out On The Weeknights, Not The Weekends
There are often special deals on certain weekdays to entice more people to come out to dine, so make the most of them.
WAY 4: Enjoy A Big Lunch And A Light Dinner
The lunch menu is often the same food, but far cheaper.
This pricing structure usually applies in most countries.
Dinner is always more expensive than lunch like we mentioned even for the same food.
Go figure!
WAY 5: Go For Happy Hour And Early Bird Specials
These usually offer the best value.
And don’t be shy about asking for a doggie bag.
If the portions are really large, avoid the temptation to overeat by taking one-third to one-half of the food and putting it on your bread plate, and asking them to pack up the rest.
You will save money and calories too!
Most people claim that leftovers tasted better on the second day.
WAY 6: Look For Buffets
They will usually charge you per person no matter what the age of your children, but buffets are a great way to taste everything, and you can take some food away if you are not too obvious about it - like chicken fingers, sliced meats, and rolls and so on that will be great for lunch the next day.
WAY 7: Pack Well
Head to a warehouse store and buy granola bars or other snacks in bulk.
Bring a reusable water bottle for each person.
Have nuts on hand.
Buy bread and a jar of peanut butter.
The sandwiches will hold up well no matter what the weather.
Have a backpack to carry the snacks and water in.
Bring a Thermos and fill it up each morning with coffee at the hotel.
Bring a Tupperware for storing leftovers from buffets, or from your doggie bags.
WAY 8: Ask The Locals
The hotel staff or people who live in the area will usually know what’s good, at a good price.
You can end up discovering some fantastic meals for great prices.
WAY 9: Steer Clear Of Drinks On The Menu
It is important to stay hydrated, so be sure to drink the water at the table.
If you do have to have a drink, steer clear of fancy cocktails, and go for beer or wine.
Drink one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you have in order to keep costs down.
Order one soda and divide it into the water glasses.
You will get the taste without all the sugar and calories.
There you have it, you just learn 9 Ways To Save Money On Food When Traveling…
We know that these nine ways aren’t for everyone, but if you are very budget-restricted, but still want to go and enjoy a vacation, then there’s nothing wrong with using some of these tips to make it happen.
Happy Vacationing!
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