Are you tired of having your kids do the same old tired Easter activities and would love to try something different?
If so, you are reading the perfect article that will give you some great traditional Easter game ideas that you may not have heard of or just haven’t had your children try before.
We know that your main objectives for your little ones are to create fun moments that they’ll remember for a lifetime.
Another big benefit to some of the Easter Game ideas is that they teach Team Building, which is extremely important in life.
The sooner that our kids understand the importance of being able to work in conjunction with others, the better they’ll function in society.
We hope that you and your kids enjoy whichever Easter Game ideas you decide to implement on Sunday…
Easter Game 1: Duck Walk Race
Have the kids line up at the Start Line, squat down, and grasp their ankles with each hand from behind.
On GO, they waddle to a designated Finish Line.
They can't let go of their ankles or they are disqualified. The first child over the
Finish Line wins a prize.
Easter Game 2: Easter Bunny Tag
This game is played the same way as Tag except that the players must hop; if a player stops hopping for any reason, they are automatically IT.
Easter Game 3: Spoon Walk
Have the children put an egg (they can also use a marshmallow) on a spoon and walk across an area; you can make an obstacle course if you’d like.
The kids can also play where they have to pass it to a partner to go back to the beginning.
If the egg is dropped, they have to start over.
Grown-ups have to put the spoon in their mouths.
They can also play hide and seek: where all of the people who are hiding must balance an object on a spoon as they dash for a hiding spot.
If it falls, that's where they have to hide.
Easter Game 4: Pin The Tail On The Easter Bunny
This idea is the same as "Pin The Tail On The Donkey.” Have the kids draw a picture of the Easter bunny on white construction paper; then have them color the picture.
Decide which child will go first and then blindfold them.
Give them a cotton ball to be pinned onto the Easter bunny (for small children use tape instead of a pin).
Carefully spin the child around three times and let them go at it.
Once the child pins the cotton ball on the bunny, make a small circle using a distinctive colored crayon to tell the whereabouts of the bunny whose tail got pinned. (use a different color for each child).
The next child then has a turn.
When the last child has had their turn, that's when the colored crayons will show who pinned the tail where.
The child who pinned his tail the closest to the Easter bunny's real tail gets a prize.
You can also offer prizes to the one who pinned the tail closest to his nose, ears, paws, and so on (everyone's a winner so there are no hard feelings).
Easter Game 5: Pass The Easter Egg
Line up in teams.
The first person places an Easter egg under their chin (depending on the age of the child, this Easter egg can be plastic or a real Easter egg (whether hard-boiled or raw would depend totally on the age group; a raw egg would be funny but messy); They must then pass the Easter egg to the next person in line.
They must then try to grab the Easter egg using only their chins.
If the egg drops, it must start over at the beginning.
If the person touches the egg with their hands, they would just put it back under their chin and continue on.
The first team to get the Easter egg all the way to the last person in line is the winner.
Easter Game 6: Jelly Bean Easter Egg Hunt
For younger children, put down different colored jelly beans or small eggs for them to follow.
At the end would be an Easter basket filled with a bunch of Easter goodies.
This game is simple but extremely fun for the little ones!
Easter Game 7: Easter Egg Roll Game
Mark off a start and stop point (the distance can be determined by the age of the children).
Using a decorated Easter egg, have the kids down on their hands and knees.
Roll the egg across the floor using only their noses.
The first one to the finish line without touching the egg with their hands is the champion nose roller.
Easter Game 8: Golden Easter Egg Hunt
Have the kids decorate their own Easter baskets, each using a different color.
They are then told that the eggs they will be looking for must be the same color as their baskets (they aren't to touch the other colors).
This makes it easier for smaller children as the eggs can be out in plain view whereas the older the kids are the harder they have to search for their Easter eggs.
You can also hide one (or more) gold egg which contains a special prize.
The prize can be anything you'd like (place money inside the egg or they can redeem the golden egg for a special prize), and you definitely have the freedom to use your creativity.
Easter Game 9: Fair-For-All Easter Egg Hunt
Make sure your Easter egg hunt doesn't result in one or two kids finding most of the eggs (to the utter devastation of the little ones).
To overcome this problem, have different colored eggs for each child.
Write a number on each egg to let them know how many of that colored eggs are hidden for them to find.
Each child must return to the home base (you) after they find each egg based on the color that was assigned to them. This will help you keep count of the eggs that the little ones collect.
Before the start of the race, place a different colored egg in each basket and tell the kids that this is the only color they're supposed to hunt for...The first child to find all THEIR eggs wins a special prize.
The prizes can be anything from chocolate Easter eggs or bunnies to Easter baskets, or even money.
Easter Game 10: Easter Egg Toss
This is best done outside. Pair off the kids facing each other.
The object of the game is to have the kids toss an egg back and forth, moving farther away from each other after each toss.
The first one to drop the egg is disqualified.
The winning team would receive a prize for younger kids; you can use plastic eggs or even hard-boiled eggs.
For older kids, use fresh eggs.
This can be hilarious but rather messy so be sure the kids are properly dressed for the occasion.
You just discovered the Top 10 Easter Games For Children that you can plan for the littles this Sunday.
Can you imagine how much fun they're going to have?
The great news is that you don't have to spend any extra money because you'll simply be using the same items that you have lying around the house.
You'll be repurposing it in an amazingly simple and fun way!
We hope that this is one of your children's best Easter Sundays ever!
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