We know that traveling can be exciting depending upon what the occasion is, but regardless of whether it’s for pleasure or business, safety should always be a top priority.
This is especially true when traveling abroad to foreign places where the environments, laws, and cultures are usually different from what you’re accustomed to.
Over time, being safe becomes second nature for frequent travelers as they have mastered all the protocols and can focus on their surroundings.
If you want to make the most of your trip, safety first when traveling is of utmost importance.
Let’s get into those safety tips…
TIP 1: When traveling, it’s natural for you to carry luggage. On your luggage tags, you could simply list ONLY your mobile number and email address.
You don’t necessarily have to put your home address.
This can add another layer of protection while traveling by not having your home address exposed to everyone who comes into contact with your luggage.
TIP 2: You see in the news that there are terrorists who sometimes hijack planes.
One effective shield that you can use against an attacker (if there is trouble on the plane) is seat straps.
You have to use all your strength in ramming the strap into the attacker’s face.
This move will cut off the attacker’s vision and once this happens, you can kick that individual in the groin or in any other sensitive body part.
Now of course you want to use common sense here, if someone has a gun pointed at you, do not try to be a hero.
Those dangerous situations are better left to the air marshals.
TIP 3: Don’t forget to bring a handy flashlight and batteries.
You can use it if there is no light or you can even use it against an attacker when needed.
Once again, please use common sense by quickly judging any situation in the event you are confronted by an attacker.
It’s not worth getting injured or worst to protect some material processions.
TIP 4: Don’t forget to carry wallets. If you want, you can take two wallets with you.
One wallet can contain some non-important items and a little cash while the other wallet should contain your important IDs, insurance cards, cash, and emergency contacts.
Keep the wallets in separate places.
For instance, the insignificant wallet can be placed in your pants back pocket and the important wallet should be in your front pocket.
TIP 5: When eating in foreign restaurants, you must familiarize yourself with the place’s layout.
Take note of the front and exit doors, as you never know what can happen.
This is a good practice no matter where you are in this day and age of mass shootings.
The moral of the story is to always be aware of your surroundings, but not to the point of being paranoid and not enjoying yourself.
TIP 6: Charge your mobile phone at the hotel/motel or wherever you’re being accommodated at.
When you leave, bring it with you and other gadgets that can be easily carried.
You can even use these gadgets in case of emergencies.
The best option is to bring a fully charged portable battery charger.
TIP 7: Never travel alone (if possible).
Though there are some travelers who do this every time they travel, you shouldn’t take the chance if you don’t have to.
Who knows, perhaps they are just lucky but you’ll never know what’s going to happen.
Always be prepared.
Remember that devious individuals are just waiting to see a helpless traveler, alone and in a vulnerable situation.
TIP 8: You must be mentally alert at all times. Observe the people around you, and how they move or look at you.
Usually, you’ll instinctively feel uneasy if something’s going to happen.
TIP 9: Before you travel to a foreign place, it would be best to make a hotel reservation.
That way, you don’t have to fumble or ask for directions in trying to locate a certain hotel.
Remember, criminals are always watching and becoming good at what they do; their goal is to catch unsuspecting travelers off-guard and distracted.
TIP 10: Don’t travel with too much luggage unless absolutely needed.
Try to wear comfortable clothes and don’t wear something that might attract the attention of bad people.
Be certain to pack some comfortable walking shoes or sneakers because you’ll most likely be doing a lot of walking.
Keep your outfits simple and non-flashy. For women, avoid wearing high-heeled shoes when traveling.
You’ve just discovered the Top 10 Safety Travel Tips that can help keep you and your travel companions safe and aware of your surroundings.
These are just ten safety measures that you can follow every time you travel abroad or even locally.
If you follow them, you can drastically increase your safety.
The main reason that you go on vacation is to take a break from your everyday life, have fun, create unforgettable memories, and decompress…
Why not accomplish all of those goals and at the same time be safe?
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